Primary school
At Suje, we believe that the primary school years are invaluable times when the foundations are laid to raise a new generation of leaders, thinkers and innovators.
One of the strengths of our school is the interdisciplinary programs that support core courses.
On one hand, we support their mental and academic development, and on the other hand, we care about them being happy learners.
In our classrooms specially designed for each grade level, the academic program is implemented by supporting specially developed materials. Thus, permanent learning takes place and there is no need for frequent repetitions.
In our school program, we place a lot of weight on our Foreign Language Learning with them having the most hours.
On one hand, we support their mental and academic development, on the other hand, we care about them being happy learners.
Our English curriculum has been prepared in accordance with the achievements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Our students' ability to speak English at international standards, to understand what they read and listen to, and to gain basic skills of written expression form the basis of our language teaching.
Teaching math skills in Suje is done using multiple teaching strategies to maximize student learning. Specially designed teaching tools are indispensable for our mathematics teaching.
On one hand, we support their mental and academic development, on the other hand, we care about them being happy learners.
With interactive applications and supported by teaching tools, an environment is provided for students' bold ideas, and students who interact directly with the information learned in mathematics have little need for repetitions.
At Suje, students take a "Math Strategies" course in addition to the math course. The achievements of the units, the concepts that the achievements point to and the relations between the concepts form the essence of the course designs.
At Suje, students have the chance to explain the reason behind their solution. In this way, they develop their reasoning skills and think critically.
O ne of the main strengths of our school is the interdisciplinary programs that support the main courses.
Mathematics Strategies Lesson
Thinking Education Lesson
Global Literacy Course
Project Pending: Design Oriented
Thinking Studies
Reading Circle Lesson
Ecological Awareness Lesson
Fun Things Lesson
A t Suje, every day is “Away from School Day”. Because;
The learning environment in Suje is not just classrooms and workshops. It is among the routines of Suje students to study in the fresh air, on the green grass under tens of fruit trees.
Interacting with nature, the child thinks, questions, builds hypotheses, applies, makes mistakes and, most importantly, collects a lot of seeds of curiosity from nature.
A Parent Communication At Suje, “Curriculum Day” meetings are held at the beginning of each academic semester. At the meeting, academic goals for the quarters are shared and the “academic calendar”, which is a summary of the academic year, is delivered to our parents.
Private meeting for each parent
In addition to the curriculum day meetings, student-specific meetings are held every quarter with PCG specialists, classroom teachers and foreign language teachers, and the process is evaluated.
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